Hylaeus in Hawaii

Hylaeus hostilis

Islands: Kauai

Locations: Kauai - (Awaawapuhi Trail, Nualolo Cliff Trail, Polihale SP)

Habitats: Coast, montane dry shrubland and mesic forest.

Plants: Scaevola, Styphelia

Xerces: No info.

Insects of Hawaii: Small cleptoparasitic bees with slightly smoky wings and red basal terga. Malelower face entirely yellow, extended at sides in a broad stripe above antennal sockets, scape slightly dilated and in frontal view yellowish on lateral margin. Female clypeus emarginate, fore tarsus with straight hair, paraocular areas with triangular ivory marks.

See discussion of cleptoparasites under H. hilaris.
Insects of Hawaii Volume 17PDF

Hylaeus near military landsPDF


 Flickr Images of H. hostilis

 Google Search for H. hostilis

Images and information mostly from various works by Karl Magnacca.
Questions? e-mail starrenvironmental@gmail.com
Starr Environmental