Hylaeus in Hawaii

Hylaeus akoko

Islands: Hawaii

Locations: Hawaii - (Puu Waawaa)

Habitats: Dry Forest, Mesic

Plants: Chamaesyce

Xerces: Hylaeus akoko is a large bee endemic to the island of Hawaii in Hawaii. It is closely related to the common wet forest species H. fuscipennis and H. pubescens, differing by the presence of facial marks. It was first collected in 2002, and is still known from only a few specimens from a single locality.
Species ProfilePDF

Insects of Hawaii: Large bees with punctured terga. Males with a large ivory mark on the scape, irregular apical spots on the clypeus (probably some individuals will be found with a complete transverse line, or unmarked), and orange and ivory marks on the legs. Scape strongly arched. Most of body with close, deep punctation. Similar to H. pubescens, differing in the more extensive markings, nearly straight lateral edge of scape, lack of a distinct hump on S2, and lack of densely plumose golden or orange hair on T5-T7.

This appears to be a relative of H. pubescens adapted to drier habitats. Although only a few C. olowaluana trees have been collected on, they can support a remarkable density of bee species; eight species were collected in company with this one, including the rare H. dimidiatus, H. filicum, and H. hula. Unfortunately these formerly common trees are not reproducing because seedlings are eaten by sheep.
Insects of Hawaii Volume 17PDF

Hylaeus near military landsPDF


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Images and information mostly from various works by Karl Magnacca.
Questions? e-mail starrenvironmental@gmail.com
Starr Environmental